Reviews & News — J Mary Masters
REVIEW: Heirs and Successors: A family saga that is rich in detail
Belleville family Family saga J Mary Masters Romance novel
The intrigue and misgivings of the landed gentry and the lives of those in the family dynasty always capture my attention. They live in a surreal bubble where money is no object and ensuring the right marriages are made to continue the bloodlines is paramount. Meet the Belleville family as the next generation emerges with gusto to find their place in the world among turmoil, accidents and love.
'Highly recommended reading .... for those who appreciate quality Australian fiction.'
4 star review Belleville family J Mary Masters Quality Australian fiction
4 **** star review for RETURN TO PRIOR PARK
4 star review 4 stars Belleville family J Mary Masters Romance novel
4 star review for Julia's Story by J Mary Masters
4 stars Belleville family Family saga J Mary Masters Julia's Story Review Romance novel
NEW RELEASE: Return to Prior Park - Book 3 of the Belleville family series
Belleville family J Mary Masters New titles
We're delighted to announce the publication of Book 3 in the Belleville family series - RETURN TO PRIOR PARK - due for publication on 28 February 2019 - by J Mary Masters.